The Rachel Project

Completion Date: 2017
Square Footage: 312
Build Partner: Ispiri, LLC
Service Organization: Special Spaces

In 2017, we created a space for Rachel, a 12-year-old girl with chronic Crohn’s disease and a malformation of the spine. Rachel has spent as many as 86 days in hospitals and misses a lot of school. She needed a comfortable space to recover from her many surgeries and complete schoolwork.

Rachel loves music and sings in her school choir. She is active in Circus Juventas and theatre. She’s a world traveler, visiting Paris, Belgium, and China. Because of her illness, Rachel is homebound much of the time and has missed a lot of school. One of the things that got Rachel through this tough time was creating art. The final reveal included a bright basement where Rachel is able to do crafts, her schoolwork, and hang out with her friends.

Project Coverage:
Rachel is in for a Big Surprise
The Big Reveal for Rachel’s Room
WATCH: The Reveal of Rachel’s Room
WATCH: The Foundation’s Room for Rachel


Project Photos:
See More Photos →


Homeward Bound: Brooklyn Park


The St. Michael Foundation Project